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Cornish Rex feeding


I have a Cornish Rex who is over 1 year old and loves to play out.  We feed her a pouch for brekky and a pouch for tea of wet food but when she's come in from playing out, she vomits all her food back up after she's eaten a bit of grass.  We used to feed her dry biscuits but stopped because we thought it was biscuits making her ill. I think she purposely eats grass to throw up but my husband says shes just dumb! She is very active so are we feeding her too much at one time which is making her feel unwell when she's out?  this has been going on for months now, I have taken her to the vets, but they just say she's fit and healthy.  I dont think my carpets can take much more!

In my opinion, she is throwing up from eating the grass.
I let my cat outside while I watch her..I try to keep her away from the grass but she runs to it all the time to eat it..and my carpet too is in need of a good cleaning now!

To save your carpet and your grass, I would keep your kitty
indoors only. Cats that are allowed to roam freely outside
live up to 5 yrs..where indoor cats can live up to 20 yrs!
They can get to a car and if there is antifreeze around,
they will lick it cuz of the sweet taste....and it will kill them right away! Or they could get hit by a car..or
a stray animal could bite them and give them a deadly disease.. the possibilities are endless..

Even I am taking a risk if I let my cat out and watch her
in our fenced in backyard. Cats can slink through a lot of tight corners that you think are cat-proof. I've decided not to let my cat outdoors anymore until I buy her an outdoor enclosure like kittywalk I believe its called
They have a few options at
 They even have cat strollers to give your cat fresh air while you push her along and get your own exercise too!
The cheapest $$ way to take her out is to put her on a harness and leash - but most cats resist this unless started as a kitten. PLEASE DO NOT take her out on a leash with a regular collar because she can slip through this.

Thanks for the question.