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Cat vomiting undigested food


Hello, I have a 9 year old Ragdoll Cat. Over the past 2 weeks,  he has been throwing up hair balls and or undigested food on a daily basis. I am so tired of cleaning up vomit I could just SCREAM!!!! He has always on occasion thrown up hair balls. However not with this frequency and with the combination of undigested food.  I feed him Science Diet hair ball control food, and I have not noticed a change in his feeding/drinking habits. I'm wondering if this is the best food for Hair Balls, and if I should add a supplement to aid with hair ball elimination. Or do you see a pattern here of something more serious?

Hello Connie,

I could not say whether this is a medical related problem or not, the only way of you finding this out is to have him checked by a vet, which I would recommend as a first approach.

The fact is, regular vomiting like this is not 'normal'. I personally feel that the type of hairball food you are using is a very good one. There are other products that you could use also, for example, Katalax, Defurr-Um or plain old simple liquid parafin. These products will help loosen further any hairballs that are causing a problem. It may be that because your cat vomited a few times in quick succession, it has left his oesophagus and stomach very sensitive, which may be causing him to vomit more.

I am not a vet and these are only suggestions, but what I would certainly recommend is having him checked by a vet before you do anything. You must also remember that he is 9 years old and some health issues do start rearing their heads as cats get older.

I do hope this has helped you a little and good luck

Thank you
