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Confused! Pregnant or False Pregnancy??


From 7 PM to 9 PM she had most all signs of labor (clear discharge, painful meowing, consistent licking, and nervous pacing.
Today, she is acting perfectly fine, as if nothing happened, eating regularly and assuming the usual cat nature. This evening at PM it started again but this time did not last as long. She is still acting as if in heat yet she has all the signs of pregnancy and she has had all the signs for about 9 weeks now. I was reading up on false pregnancy, but I see that it is rare in cats. How long does false pregnancies last in cats?? Do you think she is really pregnant or do you think it is a false pregnancy?? Any information would be very helpful!!


Yes, cats can have a false pregnancy, but it is quite uncommon.  I would take the queen into your vet to see what is going on.

Normal gestation in cats is 65-67 days with 63 days being a normal minimum and 69 days being a normal maximum.  So, she is due, if there is anything there.

I have seen cats go through this a few days before delivery where it seems they are coming into labor and then not.  If she is indeed pregnant, she will have her kittens in her own time.  However, this behavior could also signify a problem in the pregnancy, and a vet visit could ascertain that.

If there is nothing there, I would just ignore her machinations.

Please let me know what you find out.

Best regards... Norm.