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7 month old male cat odd behaviour


My cat, Oscar has always suckled and licked my jumper or a blanket while padding/pawing. Recently he has started some odd behavior with me. He will make a noise and start to follow me around trying to climb up my leg. He often nips a bit of skin whilst doing this. If I sit down he wraps himself around my arm and bites my skin and won't let go. Why is he doing this?

Hi Beki.  This all sounds like it could be sexual behavior.  A male will call and pursue a female, then bite the back of her neck and hold her there while he mounts her.  If Oscar isn't yet neutered, then having him fixed might help the situation.  But neutered males will also engage in such a behavior with other animals that they are trying to establish dominance over.  Also, neutered males do still produce some testosterone, so there can still be some sexual tendencies.  Sometimes fragrances in detergents or body lotions may encourage the behavior, so if you have started using a new moisturizer or fabric softener, this may be part of the problem.  Bleach can be especially problematic, so if you use this in your laundry, you may want to consider a bleach alternative.