Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > warble


20 16:40:39

a warble is the larvae of the botfly. it crawls under the skin of its host and matures, falls out and then the host is left with this huge hole under its skin the heals. on the website ive listed for you, im trusting what it says about the treatment for it. im just afraid that i wont be able to catch the kitten often enough. thank you so much for your time. you dont have to respond to this because there really is no answer i guess. ive already squeezed the larvae out, the hole is there, now i just have to catch the kitten to put antibiotic on it.,1607,7-153-10370_12150_12220-26354--,00.html

Well, I've learned something today, and although I have been birthing kittens for 16 years, I think you have a stronger stomach than I do. I don't know that I would have been able to do what you did!

You probably don't want to hear this, but I think you should not only make every effort to catch the kitten, you need to get it to a vet. Even though you cleaned out the hole with antiseptic, it is open to the elements and dirt and is probably already infected. The kitten needs to be caged or confined and hand fed, if you can possibly manage to do so. If you can catch it, please try. You seem so much more knowledgeable than me in wildlife areas, perhaps you already know how to hand raise a kitten but if you need advice on this, you can email me directly at
