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Hi,I have a 6 month Siamese...



I have a 6 month Siamese who stays indoors. Last week I noticed his left front leg and paw was swollen and he won't walk on it at all. I felt along his leg and couldn't really see or feel that anything was broken. Should I just wait to see if it gets better or take him to the vet? I really don't have the money, but if it's something serious I'm willing. Please advise.
Thank You.

Hi Beth,
Yes, I think you could wait it out.  He may have gotten bitten by a spider or stung by a bee. Do you think this could be possible?  As long as he is eating ok ,I think it would be ok to wait a day or two. If after two days he is still not using it, then take him to a vet.  He may have sprained it or broken it.  Who knows how? They get into everything!!  Just keep a close watch, ok ?  

God Bless,