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Found my lost cat, but he doesnt know me


About 2 weeks ago my cat got out of his carry bag that I usually put him in for road trips.  We had just arrived back home and i opened the door and out he went.  He has never ever been outside before and he vanished for a few days.  I live in a condo development and I have found him by our club house dumpster and docks where all the food of the day's events go ( when there are events).  he looks nothing like i remember though I can tell it is him.  I called his name and he just sits there, looking.  I take a step and he goes right under the dock.  I have been leaving him food everynight around 7pm and hoping he will remember me some how by smell. I found him when he was first born and dropper fed him.  He use to follow me every where i would go inside my condo and at friends houses.  I would like to at least try to lead him out of the docks and have him closer to my home so he knows where it is.  Any good way to go about that?

Hi Rich and I'm so glad you've found where your cat is hanging out!!

Don't forget to put fresh water out as well - though there may be other water sources (not so clean ;-) fresh water is essential to keeping him healthy along with nightly fresh food.

If you have enough patience and time, you can sit near the food bowl nightly for a long time.  If you do this every night, eventually the cat may come try to eat while your sitting there - but more likely is he will wait until you leave to come eat - BUT this is a LONG wait to make them "friendly" enough again to come eat while your sitting right there.

Can you get a humane trap from a local shelter or Animal Humane?  The BEST way to get him is going to be trapping.

Keep going round at 7 pm every night and do still "talk" to him while putting out the fresh food and water, then get a trap set down next to your bowls as soon as possible to get him used to "seeing" it first.  Make sure when you first put the trap down, you have dish towels inside layered so they don't feel the bottom bars, and bungie cord or rope tie the front of the trap OPEN - This is very important not to try to trap right away before they are used to seeing it.

Please let me know when you get your trap - ASK if they have disinfected it - if not a few caps of clorax in a bucket of water and a good scrubbing will do, or there is PetZyme made for this at PetCo or PetSmart and they like this smell better than clorax!

I'm sure his coloring and weight has changed, as being outside (not his normal indoor style) will make his coat lighter or darker, perhaps even patchy as stress may have made him lose hair even - But as long as you know this is your cat, get a trap and let's start preparing your guy to get caught.
