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break in birth of kittens


Ok so my cat went into labor today around 7:15 PM (central time) the first three kittens were delivered without about problem by 8:45 PM or so. I was not sure if there were more or not, but I am pretty sure I feel at least one more kitten inside of her. She went about and hour and a half without anymore deep contractions she was just extremely tired and laid and nursed her kittens. About 35-40 minutes ago she started to having more deep contractions several minutes apart, but still no more kittens. I am not sure what the best thing to do is.. I don't know if it is normal for that to happen... I have tried ready different websites but they all say different things.. Please help me out!


Has she produced all her placentas?  If not, this might be what she is doing. Also, a cat will empty one horn of the uterus and wait several hours (up to 48) to empty the second horn.  If the contractions are several minutes apart, they are positioning contractions.  By now she should have produced more kittens or, at least the last placenta, if she had not before.

When in doubt, take her to your vet.  The first order of business is to find out if anything is still inside her and, if so, why she is trouble delivering the kitten, if she has not delivered them yet.  Your vet can determine this and the best course of action.

Best regards... Norm.