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male cat just nuetered


my cat was just nuetered on wednesday and it took him till friday to go poop.  When he did his stool had blood in it.  Should I take him to the vet?  He is eating fine and acting normal, what would be the cause of this? Hemoroids?  


It may just be a reaction to the anaesthetic.  I would watch him for a couple of days and see if things clear up on their own.  Anesthetic sometimes results in a bit of constipation and having had to strain to pass the first stool after a surgery could have been what caused a little bit of blood.

If it does not clear by mid week or he continues to strain, yes, he should go back to the vet.

By the way, it may take a few weeks for all the hormones in his system to dissipate.

Best regards.... Norm.