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Is my cat ignoring her kittens?


I rescued a female cat (kitten, really) last October, I have no idea how old she is... In March while I was on vacation, and a freind was watching my pets, she went into heat, got out of the house and (you guessed it) got preggers.  last Saturday night, she delivered 7 little bundles of such adorable cuteness, I fell in love instantly.  Unfortunately, i seem to be more in love than she is.  Now, don't get me wrong, she's not mean to them or anything, but she leaves them, seemingly constantly.  She stayed in the box pretty much the entire time for the first 3 days or so, but now... fat chance.  She does feed them and she sleeps all night with them when the household goes to bed for the night but, she's apt to leave them for an hour or even two at other times.  They have turned into chubby little things and I want them to survive.  (Even though.. one of them... well, he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer.. he has difficulty finding the teat, even when it's right at this mouth).  Since this is the first litter for me and my cat, i was wondering if this behavior is anything to be concerned about.  Thanks for taking the time to answer!  Sassy and I appreciate it!

Hi Rose,

Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I had a bit of an emergency here. She is doing fine. As long as she is feeding the kits and grooming them, then all is well. Mom cats don't spend all of their time with their kits.  
What you are describing is fine. Make sure you feed mom kitten food. She needs the extra nutrition for nursing. Good luck and write back if you have any other questions.

Ciao, Karen