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My 11 month year old female cat keeps hissing and growling at her 1 month old kittens


Only for the last 3 days my 11 month old female cat keeps hissing, growling and going to attack her 1 month year old kittens. I dont understand why because she was okay with them before and now it seems she rejects them they cant even go to breastfeed from her because she turn aggressive towards them. Why and how can i stop it?

well this is unusual as normally a cat will nurture her kittens for at lest two months before trying to get them to move on I.e territory issues.

My only thought is that your female cat may be feeling unwell herself and this has made her aggressive. i can't be sure, so the best option is to get them all checked out by a vet to at least eliminate any ill health.

if all is well then it may simply be that your female cat is not the mothering type and you may have to take over the care of the kittens.

I have some web pages about kitten care which you may find of interest.

Hope things settle down soon and that there is no health issues.

best wishes Kate