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QUESTION: Hi , I was wondering, our vet told us that our cat had a heart murmour but that it wasn't very serious at the moment but he told us to moniter if. I have searched on his chest to find his pulse but i can't find it. D o u have any tips?

my own cat has a heart murmer which she receives no treatment for. I don;t think the vet means for you to check your cats heart rate, he should have made that clear. i think what he meant was to watch out for other signs that could mean the heart problem is getting worse.

I have a web page about cat heart disease here for your information.

best wishes Kate

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi again, i was wondering, can cats ever be sick? As when  i went outside and found a small amount of coughed up cat food. However we took our cat to the vets as we thought he had a dental problem but he said everything looked ok apart from a bit of plaque. So is it abnormal for cats to be sick once in a while?

It is completely normal for cats to vomit from time to time. they may suffer from hairballs or eat there food too quickly or just manage to eat something they shouldn't. So yes a cat will vomit from time to time and as long as it is only infrequently and the cat appears happy and healthy in every other way i wouldn't worry too much.

I have a web page about cat vomiting issues which you might like to read here is the page/cat-vomiting.html

best wishes Kate