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Cat drooling


My cat 2years old started drooling just a coulple hours ago. He never does this. Nothing has change at home and I wonder what this means?

Hi Alma,

Drooling usually indicates that a cat has a painful mouth.  This can be caused by a number of things - gum disease, a condition called tooth resorption (the tooth becomes soft and the nerves are exposed), broken teeth, growths in the mouth, or ulcers on the tongue or roof of the mouth.  Ulcers can be caused by viruses, eating plants or chemicals, autoimmune disease or even liver and kidney problems.  Cats can also have mouth injuries such as a swallowed foreign body, like a needle in the throat or a string around the tongue.

Drooling can also indicate nausea.  It can be difficult to determine which is the problem unless your cat starts vomiting.  

You should have your kitty checked out by the vet.  Through a physical exam, your vet can determine whether your cat is experiencing oral or abdominal discomfort, and then an appropriate treatment plan can be formulated for him.  This may entail an antibiotic, an anti-nausea medication, or a dental cleaning.  Hopefully, he should be feeling much better soon.

Best of luck!
