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Kitty Wake-Up Calls


Is there any way to train kitty not to wake you up so early in the morning?  I recently adopted 2 cats (a male and a female believed to be from the same litter) and the male is quite an early bird (between 5 and 6 am almost every morning). He meow quite loudly and persistently until I check on him. And he is not necessarily hungry.  Any advice?

i really don't think there is a way to train a cat not to do this. I myself have a cat who wakes us up everyday at 5am. She has got used to us getting up to either let her out or feed her etc.
Cats are naturally more alert at night and once they get used to you responding to them it is very hard to get them to stop. the only real way is to keep them in a locked room somewhere else in the house with their litter tray and water or to let them out at night.
