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Sudden blindness


I have a 13yr old housecat he is neutered, he is very well in himself eating and drinking normally and using his litter tray as normal also. Suddenly 2 days ago he woke up and both of his eyes were dilated and he hasn't been able to see since, he has walked around all of the walls but reacted to bangs on the floor and calls to his name although he has missed his footing on the stairs, he seems to be getting around ok but I really cant believe what has happened and it so stresses him out to take him to the vets I nearly lost him last time I had to give him CPR, what do I do?

Hi Susan,

Are there any vets who do house calls in your area?  If so, this would be ideal.  However, blindness can actually be a blessing in disguise if vet trips stress him out.  Seeing is the major contributing factor to fear.  It's known that cats who can't see what's going on cope with unfamiliar situations far better than cats who can.  This is the idea behind the cat muzzle (it covers the eyes and turns most cats very peaceful).

I do think it's strongly advisable that he see a vet.  Sudden blindness indicates a serious disease.  Often, when the pupils are dilated, it indicates very high blood pressure.  This can be a primary condition, but in cats it tends to be secondary to something else, such as kidney disease, overactive thyroid, or sometimes diabetes.  Other times, eye problems can be caused by an infection such as toxoplasmosis or feline infectious peritonitis.  Cancer pressing on a nerve behind the eyes could be a possibility, as well.  Whatever the cause, I certainly think it's serious enough that your kitty is in immediate danger without treatment.

I hope all goes well!
