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Momma cat & lack of milk


Hi Teresa,  I rescued a stray pregnant cat. She had her litter of 6 at my home and everything was going fine. The kittens are about 3 weeks old now. However today all of the kittens are screaming and are noticeably thinner. I can feel that Momma cat is swollen with milk but nothing is coming out. How can I help her with this? I have given the kittens a good meal of KMR milk replacement to keep them going and I will try a warm compress on Momma's tummy until I hear from you. I look forward ~ thank you!

Hi Pamala, A warm compress is a good start. You can always try a nice warm bath to loosen things up but it sounds like you may need to take her to the vet for some help. In the mean time keep the kittens on the KMR until you can get this problem resolved. She may have mastitis... Teresa