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Cat with broken pelvis, and suddenly hostile sister


This is sort of two questions in one. My cat was run over 8 days ago. X-rays revealed her pelvis was broken in 4 places. The vet said it's not necessary to operate, and 6 weeks cage rest will suffice.

She has been eating, drinking, and peeing, but hadn't had a bowel movement. After two more vet trips, enemas and stool softeners, she had her first unassisted BM 6 days after the accident. She hasn't had one since though.

The right side of her pelvis is more 'smashed' than the left, and oddly, she's favoring lying on the poor side. She can rise to her feet to eat/drink or use the litterbox, but is shaky and weak. She's clearly got more strength in the left leg. She sort of drags her right leg in a lame fashion.

The vet I've been visiting is a different one to my normal one, and I have found him hard to talk to. He's not forthcoming with conversation, so I'm always left with questions I forget to ask.

My biggest concerns are her healing (she's just coming up one year old, by the way) and the current lack of bowel motions. Should I be concerned? I cringe when I see her trying to get up and use her right (semi-lame) leg. Can I expect she will make a good recovery?

On a related note, her sister (they are from the same litter) has, since the accident, become hostile towards her. They are normally affectionate towards each other - sleeping together and grooming each other. Whenever she sees her, she'll growl and hiss - almost as though she doesn't recognize her sister anymore. This agitates my sick cat, as she then starts breathing rapidly. Can I expect this change in behavior to be permanent or temporary? Do you have any ideas of what I could do? She has started spraying inside the house also.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Hi Mel.  With plenty of rest, it's likely that she'll make a full recovery if the vet feels she will.  Hairline fractures often mend themselves as long a no stress is put on them.  The difficult bowel movements are a concern.  You should discuss the possible use of a lubricant laxative with your vet.  This would most likely be using a hairball treatment daily to keep the stool soft enough for her to pass it easily.  Aside from this, you can mix some pea baby food into her canned food each day to add fiber to her diet.  Canned pumpkin (not pie filling) also works well, but I find my cats enjoy pea baby food better.  A teaspoon or two per meal works fine.

As for your other kitty, this is common behavior after a sibling returns from the vet.  The hospitalized kitty brings home all sorts of strange scents that the cat who stayed home objects to.  The behavior usually resolves after a few days...sometimes takes a week or two.  But when it stresses out the sick cat, it's best to keep the cats separated for several days, and then try to reintroduce them once things calm down.  If the cats are still having trouble getting along, allow them to see each other only for short periods, and keep them separated when you can't be there to supervise.  They should get used to each other quickly.

Good luck!
