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Siamese Cat Urinating on Rugs


Hi,  I have a 2 year old Siamese cat that keeps urinating on my bathroom rugs.  She has a very large litter box that is very well maintained, yet she keeps with this behavior.  I am frustrated and am ready to find a new home for her unless I can figure out a way to stop it.  She urinates the rugs in both bathrooms in my home, but especially in the master bath.  Most times she'll follow me to the bathroom and urinate right in front of me while I am using the toilet.  What do you recommend to deter this behavior and what do you think the cause can be?

Hi Shannon.  If you haven't had her checked by a vet, I would start there, in case this is being caused by a health issue.  Sometimes urinary tract disease can lead to litter box issues.  

If she's given the all clear healthwise, you may want to try a different litter.  There is one specifically made to solve this sort of problem, called Cat Attract.  A vet formulated it with an herbal attractant, and it's money back guaranteed to work.  You can find a retailer through their website,

I also recommend a product called Feliway.  I use the plug-in diffuser in my home at all times.  It helps to reduce anxiety, which is a reason why some cats may urinate outside the litter box.  You can buy it at pet stores, online and at some vet offices.  Learn more about how it works at

In the worst cases, most inappropriate elimination caused by anxiety can be corrected with antidepressant medication.  Most times, it won't have to be used for life.  There are a number of medications that can be used, with Prozac being the most successful overall.

For now it would probably be best if you could try to leave the bathroom floors bare except when the door is closed and you know she's not in there.  If you drape the bath mat over the edge of the tub when you're finished showering, it may be enough to keep her from urinating on it.