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spraying in the house


We have one other cat, Boots, who's also male. He's neutered as well and has no problem spraying. When we first introduced the sprayer, Koko, to our family, he and Boots didn't get along so well, but now they seem to get along fine. My dad did hurt his leg and has been home for a week now, which may have aggravated the problem (Koko sprayed twice this past week), but other than that I can't think of anything that could make him feel threatened...

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Oh! That's what I forgot to mention. He's neutered, which is what makes it so odd. I hope this helps.

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Recently (less than a month ago) my cat has started spraying in the house in corners of rooms and on curtains. The litter box is outside, and we do leave our cats inside for long periods of time, but they have learned to come to us when they want out. What do you think the problem could be?

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Hi Janelle,

You do not say if your cat is male or female.  If it is a male, and is not neutered, that could be one reason.  Leaving the litter box outside is not condusive to good bathroom habits either, especially in the winter months.

If your cat is female, and unspayed, she could be in season.  My breeding females used to spray inside sometimes when they are in heat.  Males are very hard to train not to spray, but if it is a male and you get him neutered, chances are very good he will stop.  Let me know if you need further help.  Hugs, Barb

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Hmmmm.  He must feel threatened in some way.  Are your other cats males?  How old is he?  Has anything in your household changed?  I do think you need to bring the litterbox inside and keep it scooped.  Some cats are very picky about where they go potty.  That is a cat problem that is very hard to figure out and guard against.  Are your other cats male?  Are they all neutered and/or spayed?


Any change in their routine, regardless of how minor we think it is, is enough to upset some cats.  Maybe when things get back to normal, he will stop spraying.  Let him know you don't approve of his behaviour, but please don't spank or hit him.  It doesn't do any good because they don't discipline the same way dogs do.  A spray bottle full of just plain water, works waaaaaaay better!  Good luck.  I hope he stops when your dad gets better and gets back into the normal routine.  Hugs, Barb