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Cat birthing stopped.


QUESTION: My cat went into labor and the first kitten was born at 3:55pm. She's had 5 kittens so far, all placentas are accounted for, with the last kitten born at 5:43pm. I think there may still be kittens in her stomach and she has shown some labor signs in the last hour or so, but it seems like it may be stopping and starting. I am wondering how much time is too much time before it would become a problem/emergency. Is it possible for a cats labor to stop and start?

Thank you for any advice!


ANSWER: Christie,

Yes, it is possible for a cat in labor to stop and start back up.  Usually, this occurs if they empty one horn of the uterus, wait some time and then empty the other horn.  It also may be that she is very tired.  If there is nothing more within 24 hours, I would take her to the vet and see if there really is anything left in there.  She may be trying to expel another placenta. The vet can palpate to see if there are anymore kittens, and, if not, give an oxytocin shot which will help flush the uterus, shrink and condition the uterus, and help with milk production.  I would not transport the kittens to the vet.  They can be left alone for a couple of hours while mama is at the vets as long as they are in a warm place where they cannot get into any trouble.

Please let me know what transpires.

Best regards... Norm.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi thank you for getting back to me! She did actually have one more kitten at 8:45pm. Everything Fter that seemed fine, until tonight. Tonight i noticed her breathing hard & purring at the same time & now I'm a little worried. Is this a sign of infection or fatigue? I'm wondering if I should just take her in. She did expell the afterbirth of all 6 kittens.
Thanks again....Christie


Congratulations to the mama on such a nice sized litter!!!!!!!!!!

The constant purring while nursing is normal.  We have found that the dam is a bit off for about 3-4 days after giving birth. If she is eating normally and using the litter pan normally I would not be too worried. However, it is never a bad idea to see your vet for a post natal examination.

Just leave the kittens at home or take them in a separate little carrier. We have found a shoe box lined with faceclothes a suitable method of transporting kittens. Neve, never put the kittens in a carrier with mama for transport as she may end up rolling over on them if there is a sudden stop or turn.

Thank you for letting me know the outcome.

Best regards... Norm.