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Defecating/Urinating problems



We moved down the road two weeks ago and suddenly our 2 year old cat is not using the litterbox appropriately (and issue he has never had before, even through a cross-country move 9 months ago that included staying at four different people's houses and driving in a car for a week). We know that he was very, very stressed the week before this last move occurred and then the first week we were here, but he was using the litter box properly and we kept him in one room, made sure to sit with him throughout the day etc.

Anyway, about a week ago I noticed that he had defecated on the carpet in one of the empty bedrooms. Most of the carpet in the house is a regular weave in a neutral color, but this one room is leftover long 70's shag in a horrible puke color. I thought it must just be stress and so just cleaned it up. But he did it again the next day. So then I enzyme treated the carpet and moved his litter box to that room, about three feet from he had gone to the bathroom on the carpet. He was fine for 3 days and then tonight I see he did it again, right in front of the litterbox. As I was treating the spot, he came into the room, walked behind the litterbox and began to urinate! I am flabbergasted. Is it possible he thinks that particular carpet is a litterbox or grass or something else that is appropriate to pee/poo on, since its so different from other carpet he has experienced? Anyway, we moved the litterbox into a new room entirely and have closed off the shag carpet room.

Is this something I should take him to the vet for? He does not seem sick in any way and is eating/drinking appropriately and is not having issues urinating or defecating (other than not using the correct place all the time). He IS talking a lot more which does make me think he's still stressed but  he is playing and sleeping appropriately and does not seem in any pain or discomfort physically. I'm at a loss since he has never done anything like this before! What do you advise?

Thank you!

Hi Megan,

I would say some of this behavior is related to the stress of the move. However the extra talking could be his way of telling you he is in pain. A trip to the vet would be a good idea. Next I would get some Feliway Comfort Zone. It mimics a cat's happy pheromones and helps relax them. You can also try these.

They seem to work pretty good calming a stressed out kitty. Try using some of this in his litter pan.

Pet Smart carries it.

It is a good idea to keep him out of that one room. Like you said he may be attracted to that floor material. See what the vet says. And try that other stuff. Your cat should be fine in a couple of weeks. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen