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How to care for a kitten

20 16:45:38

We found a lost kitten and need to know how to care for it, such as: food-type, house-training, behavior and needs...(scratching post, etc).  I'm keeping a bowl of "Kibbles" and water (sometimes milk) in the kitchen where the kitten can get it whenever hungry. Also, how can you tell if it's a boy or girl, and what is the difference in behavior?  Your help is greatly appreciated by me and my excited grand-children, thank you.

Dear Connie,
Sounds like you are doing a pretty good job already! Free feeding kittens/cats is best.  Fresh water available all the time.  It's not always a good idea to give kittens milk.  (Contrary to popular belief!) This can sometimes bring on intestinal problems in young kittens. You can purchase products like KMR (kitten milk replacement) to supplement the baby's diet if you feel the need to.  The food I recommend is Precise Kitten dry kibble.  It is one of the better quality pet foods found at your local pet shop.  There is usually, and with little exception, no need to 'housetrain' a kitten.  Altho some litter box habits are taught by the mama cat, much is instinctual.  Just get a litter box that is short enough for the kitten to get into, drop her in it a couple times, and she will get the message pretty fast.  Keep her litter box scooped out (Scoopable litter is best) daily and she will never be tempted to go outside of it.  A scratching post can be beneficial, sparing the couch and your favorite chair!  Not all cats will use them, but many times, if introduced early on, they will put them to good use.  Kittens spend their day eating, sleeping and playing. Lots of each!  Be sure and have lots of kitty toys available, altho sometimes just a piece of string can provide hours of feline entertainment! And be sure and find a vet in your area that you feel comfortable with.  Preferably one that specializes or at least works with alot of cat clients.  Baby shots are very important and should be begun as soon as the vet recommends.  Uusually within 6-10 weeks to start.  
Boy or girl?  Turn the kitties rear end toward you and lift the tail straight up.  If the two openings are directly under one another, it's a girl.   If there is a space in between the two opening, it's a boy.  The space is there to allow for eventual testicle growth. It is recommended to have a male neutered around 4-6 months, before they develop an interest in 'spraying' or marking their territory. Usually the same age for spaying a female kitty.  If neutering or spaying is done too young, they seem to be 'kittens' longer than normal.  They don't sexually mature into cats as quickly.  So four to six months is a good time. It is of general consences that male kitties are among the more affectionate, altho there are obviously very sweet females as well.  Males can sometimes seem more tolerant.
Try looking at your local bookstore on information booklets and books about care and tending , kittens to cats.  
Hopefully this information will prove helpful to you, and best wishes with your new addition to the family!