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ragdoll vs. ragamuffin

20 16:45:38

Barb, thanks for the reply. You're going to laugh when I tell you where I heard about the ragamuffin. Believe it or not, it's a deck of cards. My brother-in-law found them and he knows I'm a huge cat lover so he gave them to me. They are Fancy Feast cards called "Cats of the World." There are many breeds in there that I HAVE heard of but alot that I haven't either. If I had a scanner I would scan the King of hearts and the 4 of spades to you. Both breeds look similar.....long hair, similar looking faces but the ragdoll seems to have a lot of Siamese in him. Both beautiful cats. Didn't know I could learn so much from a simple deck of cards!! Thanks for your time and I guess we'll both be doing some searching on the net, huh?  :D   


Followup To
Question -
I have recently found out that a ragdoll is NOT the same as a ragamuffin. I thought they were. So what is the difference? I don't know anything about either, really. I just remember hearing a long time ago that one of them is very easy to handle and is like a rag doll, hence the name. Also, I was wondering what exactly is a norweigan forest cat?  
Answer -
Hi Molly,

Well you have me stumped!  I have never heard of a Ragamuffin.  I have heard of Ragdolls however.  How do you know there is a breed called Ragamuffin?  I have belonged to the Cat Fanciers Association for over 20 years, and I have never heard of a Ragamuffin.  

A Norweigan Forest Cat is just another purebred cat.  They are accepted in the Cat Fanciers Association, and are shown quite often.  I do not know much about their history, but have seen many.  They are beautiful, wild looking cats, and very sweet.  You could probably look them up on the net and find out their history.  

Please write again if I can help with anything.  Hugs, Barb

Hi Molly,

I checked out the Cat Fanciers Association ( and found the RagaMuffins.  Beautiful cats.  I have included the link so you can see the same page I did.

I think it's hillarious that you saw this breed on a deck of cards.  I do not check out this site often enough or I would have known about the breed.  At any rate, either the Ragdoll or the RagaMuffin look adorable, but after reading about the RagaMuffin, I think I would choose that one because of their size, and personality.  

The Ragdoll does have a lot of Siamese background, which is definitely a plus, personality-wise.  Are you thinking of getting one of these breeds?  If you want to chat about this, you can write me at:  Hugs, Barb