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Cornish Rex losing fur

20 16:43:08

Hi Becky-

I have a 6 yr. old Cornish Rex who has started to lose the fur around the fronts her rear legs.  It extends a bit up towards her belly area.  Not all the fur, but it looks as though it's been shaved?

She's basically an indoor cat- except in summer (we're in the mountains).  She eats well, has a lot of energy, gets brushed, no fleas or anything like that (we just don't seem to have them here).  She rarely licks or anything, either, & doesn't seem that this is bothering her in the least (but it does me!).

Any ideas?



Hi Tracy,

I have a female about the same age as yours and have a similar problem. She has thinning hair in the same area, but not really bald.   I don't think anything is wrong.  It may be a rex trait, although I have not noticed it to be prevalant in other rex cats.  Since Cornish Rex lack the guard hairs, it may just be an area that doesn't have a lot of hair to begin with.  I wouldn't worry about it, although I know it can be frustrating.  
God Bless!