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Mitten not eating well

20 16:43:08

Hi Jessica,

I sent you a question about Mitten not eating well anymore and in your reply you wanted to know what apetite stimulant my vet had put Mitten on.  It is cyproheptadine but it does drug her.  Probably not as much as valium would.  The prescription is 4 mg and I am supposed to give her 1/2 every other day.  She was on 1/2 every day but she became so drugged that my vet cut it back to every other day.  I have tried the Hill's a/d and Mitten did not like it too well.  I think I will give it another try.  Also you mentioned boiled chicken.  This is what has me so puzzled.  Mitten has always liked some boiled chicken but does not want to eat it anymore.  I am trying everything I can think of to keep her happy and content because she acts hungry (pacing in the kitchen and standing in front of the regrigerator) but just does not want anything I give her unless she has the cyproheptadine.  Thanks for your help and the useful information.  Hopefully I can keep Mitten happy and as healthy as she can be at her age.

Just another thought.  I'm just trying to help you brainstorm, here.  Sounds like you have tried about everything.  Sheba, Fancy Feast, and Whiskas canned food, while not of great quality, are all very aromatic and encourage cats to eat.  Have you tried those, too?

Also, anabolic steroids, such as Winstrol (stanozolol) can do a great deal to boost appetite.  And it is very commonly used in cats with kidney problems that may be causing some lack of appetite.  Have you discussed this option with your vet?  It can be administered by injection, either at the vet, or the vet can show you how to inject it at home.  One injection lasts at least 10 days.  Some pharmacies may also carry it in pill form, but last I knew, it was not in production.

Hoping something here may be of help.

Good luck!