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4 week old kitten and 19 year old cat


I just saved 6 kittens that I found in a parking lot. I only kept one and took it home. The vet said that its too young for shots and to keep it away from my 19 year old cat. Even though the old one is in EXCELLENT health, (most vets think she's 10) I'm nervous that my cat will catch anything the kitten may have. I wash my hands and try to change my clothes after touching the kitten. Is it still possible for my cat to get sick?


You are, most surely, an angel for rescuing those kittens!!!!!!

Your vet is correct, the kitten is too young for shots.  Most vets wait for kittens, to turn 8 weeks before giving them shots.  The odds are your 19 year old has a strong enough immune system to withstand most diseases the kitten could carry.  The basic sanitation is a good idea, but the viruses to worry most about are airborne and tend to linger in the environment.  So, the odds are that anything really serious the kitten could be carrying is probably something your 19 year old already has immunity to.  The one exception might be fungus, but that would be noticeable in both the kitten and your 19 year old.

On the other hand, at age 19, you need to be careful as your older cat is geriatric and things can fail with more advanced age. So, although it is possible for your cat to contract something from the kitten, with your precautions, it is doubtful you need to worry about it.

Best regards... Norm.