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aggressive stray cat


I have a little girl cat who loves to be outside.  Last evening I was standing at my street door and she was sitting by my feet.  A ginger cat who does not live in our area, walked up bold as anything and just attacked her.  I couldnt believe it!

Only last Thursday 26 April I had to have my boy cat put to sleep.  Apparently he had cat flu which was bad enough but had also contracted FIV. The vet advised that this was probably caught through fighting.  I am worried that this stray ginger tom could be a carrier and also worried about the other cats in our street.
Any advice would really be appreciated.  

Hi Carol,

You need to call animal control about that outside Tom. An unprovoked attack is something to worry about.  A cat like that could have rabies. You need to protect your family from an aggressive animal like that. Give the county animal control a call about it and report the attack. They will set traps to capture him. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen