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kittens drinking


hello, I have adopted a 10 week old long haired tortie....
She is lovely, adapting well and seeming to befriending my 2
dogs and 2 older torties...

My questions are as follows...
She drinks a lot of water...she will lap at her water bowl for up to
about 15 seconds 10-12 times a day.she also cleans herself with
the water from the bathroom sink.
I have a diet regulated diabetic 13 year old cat so am a little
sensitive to the water intake. I just don't know what is normal at
this age.

secondly, she is a very calm kitten. She sleeps a lot and wakes
for rounds of play, but not the crazy kitten up the wall
behaviour, very thoughtful and watchful.Normal?

How much do 10 week old cats sleep?

We are going to the vet in a couple of days, I just wanted to try
and understand her a bit better...

Thank you for what you all do here, and thanks for taking th
time to help all of us.

Hi Kim,

That does seem a bit excessive on the water intake.  I would keep an eye on her and be sure to let your Vet know when you go see him/her.  My cats love to drink out of the bathroom sink, so I don't think her groomi Different cats have different personalities.  She is just more quiet.  As long as she is eating and drinking and using the litter box,she is fine.  

God Bless,