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Stray kittens seem to be sick


There are some 6 week old kittens that came to our house about 4 days ago.  We started feeding them (just in case) and on the 3rd day one them died on our patio. We do not know where the mother is.
We noticed they have really good appetites and seem to drink water however they are VERY thin, sluggish and diareah very bad and foul smelling.
It seems like the yellow one has very watery eyes and looks like she may fall over anytime. Do you have any suggestions on what we could we think they may have worms or parasites.
We will try what we can but we cannot afford vet bills as we have a son with heart problems, my huband just had full hip replacement. Is there anything I can do or try? I really believe they will not survive if not treated.
I understand you are not Doctors and will only listen and determine if the advise given would fit their situation and if there is something over the counter or a home remedy that can be tried, I am willing to try and save them otherwise, no doubt, they will die. I will keep you posted and please feel free to e-mail me.

I understand that you can not take them to the vet because of your sitution,I would try to get over the counter antibactrial meds like neospotin and put it on their eyes.They are also most likely skinny like that because they havent ate since you had them and they lost alot of weight because their not with their mother they should be getting better as they eat more and more.Worms theres no way to treat that at home it has be treated by a med that the vet gives you, I would call your closet vet and ask how much would it be for deworming meds.At my vet they are cheap and our vet has a very good rep, we have people come from NJ and MN because there vets are so much.I would also put all the kittens in a big box and put a heating pad in the box with them but put a towel over it so they dont get burnt and put it on low or med-low and leave one side with out the heating pad and put their food in there with them. They also should be eating kitten food insted of human or adult food.

please keep me updated
