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Twins ?


My cat had kittens 18th July. Is it possible for her 2 have had twins. 2 black kittens r small 1of which is very small, it is bein fed but it doesnt seem 2 get much attention and im beginning 2 wonder if i could b toppin up her feds with cat formula milk she seems to have gained very little weight and is about half the size of its siblings. If possible could u reply asap incase i have to go buy formula. many thanx


A cat doesn't usually have twins, though it is possible. As the kittens grow and change you will more than likely starting seeing some differences. But with black cats they all do look alike!

I would be concerned if the kitten starts getting weak and not eating, but as long as the kitten is being fed and is not crying then I wouldn't supplement with formula. Kittens are like babies, they grow at different speeds and they can be built differently. Some cats are petite and some are muscular. As long as they are happy and healthy then they are normal. A kitten may be the runt of the litter now, but grow up to be bigger than the others.

You DO need to feed the mother cat Kitten Chow as long as she is nursing because she needs extra protein and nutrients. Keep a bowl full all the time for her. A nursing mother needs to eat about 4 times her normal amount to replace what the babies take out of her and to have a good milk flow.
