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QUESTION: I found two kittens on my back porch and took them in and gave them kitten milk and used baby shampoo and a towel and sort of cleaned them but while i was cleaning one of them I noticed that one of them had a little bump starting from his right arm to his left side of his neck not knowing what it was thinking it was maybe some gunk i scrubbed it a little bit and Puss came out is this something that can be treated by me or should a vet go and check this out?  P.S. the kittens are at least 5 days old.

ANSWER: For now, I would apply a tiny bit of a triple antibiotic and see if the bump subsides. If it's not dwindling or gone in 2-3 days, take them both to the vet for a wellness check.

Are the kitten's eyes open? If so, they are at least two weeks old and have a much better chance of survival than if they were a week old. Do they relieve themselves, or do you have to stimulate urination with a wash cloth or cotton ball? If they are able to eliminate on their own, they are at least three weeks old, and have a much better chance of survival. If they wobble walk on their own, they are at least 4 weeks old, and have the best chance of survival.

Take both kittens for a wellness check, they are usually inexpensive, sometimes under $20, and can tell you a lot about what you need to do to raise happy, healthy kittens.

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QUESTION: Well the Vet. Siad the kitten will die in a couple of days he has passed on. R.I.P Curtis but the other one is meowing NON-STOP!!! I have been up since 3am is it because her brother is gone or is it because she's teething?? is there something i can do?
ANSWER: I am so sorry that you lost one, Bianca.

I believe the other kitten is lonely. Take her to sleep with you, or put her in your room. She will need you to be her companion now, kittens are very social dependent. She needs you to soothe her and clean her and feed her. Most of all, she will want closeness when it is dark, or when she becomes disoriented. You will have about a month of constant care ahead of you.

But at that time, she should be okay to begin some "Quiet training" if she hasn't already grown out of her noisy nighttime behavior.

Good luck!

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QUESTION: i also wanted to ask another question my brother has a cat and i wanted to know if this will be a problem like will he try to attack the baby kitten

That all depends on the personality of the tomcat. If he is neutered, you'll have a better shot at him being friendly. Since the kitten is female and your brother's cat is male, they have a good chance of getting along. You might think that female + female would be better, but female cats tend to fight very bitterly. Male cats, once neutered, are generally more friendly.

My tomcat loves kittens and would never hurt them; he is very friendly and loving toward everyone, too. If your brother's cat is generally sweet, you shouldn't have a problem.