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my cat is roaming all the time !


hi ,
i have a 1.5 year old Chinchilla female cat.i brought this cat for my male one to let him be with fellow creature . they have mated twice but no kittens !
now after 5 months from their last mating , my female cat is all the time roaming around the house , she sleeps very less , she doesn't pay any attention to the male cat although he is all the time chasing her and he tries to play with her but she is so nervy  and she never plays with him . she eats very less food. she really has tranquility in the house and i really pay attention to my cats . she eats food under special conditions ( I should give the food pieces to her from my hand ) . most of the times she sits on top of somewhere and stares to something ( usually she stares at who is working in the kitchen) and for a long time she remains in that situation . sometimes i think she is depressed but i have prepared anything i could for her .
is it natural for cats to have such behavior? does she have any special problem ? what should i do ?


It sounds to me like the biggest problem with your female is that she is spoiled and is taking advantage of it.  Her behavior reflects this and is perfectly normal.

As to the male, unless she is in season, she probably is not very interested in him, although he is interested in her. Usually cats season at irregular intervals so it is very probable she has not been in season.  At her next heat, they should breed.

Cats are individuals and have individual personalities and generally do what they want to do rather than what we want them to do.  Often Silver Persians are pretty high strung and will exhibit those types of behaviors.

At this point, I would accept her behaviors and not worry about it.

Best regards... Norm.