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broken bone


my cat has been missing for 3 days. yesterday afternoon i found her under the house. when i called her she drug herself to me using just her front legs. when i examined her i noticed she has an open cut on her right back leg the size of a dollar coin. in the middle is a small bone barley sticking out. her hips look dislocated. she still has an appitite. she's drinking lots of water. when she sees me she trys to scoot next to me. she can put a little pressure on her left leg but none on her right, even though she tries. i can't afford to bring her to the vet. i'm not sure how to clean it properly or if i should try to set the bone and cast her leg. please help our family, she is well loved and my best friend.

Your cat DOES need a vet. You cannot set a bone without causing her extreme pain and if it is done incorrectly she can be permanently damaged. She also needs antibotic for infection and pain medication (BUT NO HUMAN MEDICATION!!!!). You are her mom. If it was a child, you would take the child to the doctor. Don't do any less for your 4-legged child.

Call your local animal control or SPCA and tell them the problem and the financial problem. They may know of a low cost vet. Also call different vets, some will work with you on a payment schedule. Different vets have different fees. Check around. But try to get her seen.

I personally would use hydrogen peroxide to clean the wound and bubble out any infection. Just pour it on and let it run off. Other than that, just keep her warm (to prevent shock) and give her lots of love. Don't move her around any more than necessary. Keep her food and water close. She may have accidents on what she is lying on so check often that she is not laying in wet or mess.

Bless her big little heart. Do try to get her professional help if it is at all possible.
