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Cat domination


We have 2 adult cats that have grown up together, One male and one female,age 15 %26 16 respectively. Recently there have been health issues w/male because he wouldn't drink. (several bowls of water placed all over house)We almost lost our male cat from dehydration. We purchased a fountain which solved the problem. Now the male cat jumps on the back of the female whenever she tries to drink from fountain. She is very passive and won't discourage this behavior. She also loves the fountain and drinks from it frequently. What can we do to discourage him from this behavior so they both can enjoy the fountain and get the health benefits from it? Please help. We would prefer not to purchase another fountain.  


Unfortunately, I know of no sure fire way to change the male cat's behavior!!!!!. What you may try is a Feliway diffuser (available at most pet supermarkets) to see if that calms down the aggressive tendency.  If I had to guess, the male is exercising a territorial imperative with respect to the fountain.  Personally, I would ignore the behavior since it does not seem to be preventing the female from drinking from the fountain.

Making a big thing out of the male's behavior may be counter productive in that he can use this behavior to manipulate you. Also, one should try not to ascribe human motives and emotions to things cats do as they do not think like we do.  The behavior may be some sort of a game to them.  I would leave it alone as she still goes to drink from the fountain no matter what the male seems to like to do when she does.  She could just avoid the fountain altogether, if she wanted to!

Best regards... Norm.