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Cat ill?


QUESTION: Hi Ive noticed my cat has got green spots on his tongue please can you tell me what this means?
He is male about 3 years old.

ANSWER: Nicola,

I am guessing that if you woke up one morning and had green spots on your tongue that you would be to the nearest doctor in a hurry. Green spots on his tongue are not normal. You need to take your cat to the nearest vet immediately, this is an emergency until the vet says that it isn't. I have never in my life seen a cat with a green tongue. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks, ok will ring yet first thing.  Hes okay in himself, hes a very playful cat maybe hes been a little quieter than normal but nothing to the extreme. I was thinking maybe he had a sore throat if cats can get these?
Anyway I will let you know what the vet says
Thanks again
Nicola (and elvis the cat!)

Nicola & Elvis,

Hopefully the doctor's appointment goes well....I am thinking that the vet will find one of a few things: he may have eaten something that he shouldn't, he may have some sort of bacterial or fungal infection....I would be really interested to hear what the vet finds, because this isn't a question that I have ever heard before and I have never seen anything like that in about 23 years of keeping cats. Please feel free to contact me again with any further questions or concerns.