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Incessant cat meowing


We have a 9 year old male Ragdoll. He is neutered and healthy and not allowed outside. Ever since he was about 4 years old he started meowing about 3AM until my husband and I both wake up. We don't have to get up with him but he won't stop until we are both awake and say his name. If we ignore him, he gets on the bed in our faces and meows. This behavior always seems worse during the summer months (we live in AZ).
He has plenty of fresh food and water available as well as toys and we have a second cat - another male Ragdoll and they get along very well together.
We have tried the water bottle but he runs to the doorway - just out of reach of the water spray. Are there any suggestions you can make for curbing this behavior? I was wondering if the table top dog barking stoppers would work on a cat's meow - trust me it's loud enough that would not be the issue.
Thank you for any help you can provide.

Hi Jackie,

I'm sorry to say, but I don't have much experience with vocalization issues.  I did some searching and found a wonderful article that I think may help you.  Here is the link:

Please let me know if you need any further assistance.  Good luck!

Best regards,
Holly M.