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Bleeding Gums.


My cat is about six months old and all of the sudden i noticed his gums are bleeding, and he is really really awnry. i just got him fixed a few weeks ago, and they said his adult teeth are about to come in, is this just a side effect of that, or do they usually not bleed?

Hi Shelb.  It's possible for gums to bleed in very small amounts when kittens are cutting teeth.  I think if he had any periodontal disease that would be serious enough to cause bleeding gums now, they probably would've noted it on his exam when he was neutered, so hopefully, this is just associated with his teething.  However, if he develops bad breath, reluctance to eat, drooling, or if you're noticing blood in his water bowl, food dish or around his mouth, he should get to a vet.  These are signs that an infection may have crept in, which can occur as the adult teeth erupt through the gums.

Hope he's feeling better soon!
