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cat may be bleeding


We have three cats, all of which are adults, one neutered, and two spaded and all had required shots when we got them years ago. Grew up on a farm and never bothered with annual shots and all lived long lives. We keep our cats in the clean basement with one litter box per cat and cleaned twice a week. Last few days I have noticed blood smearers on a couple of perches (boxes) and today big droplets on the concrete floor and heavy smearers on another box I just put out. MY QUESTION is what can cause bleeding because we cannot find any evidence on any of the three cats. BUT I suspect our OLDEST (15years aprx) cause I saw her in that fresh perch box earlier, youngest was upstairs most the day and the third was in her sleeping bag as usual. Jazz (the oldest) also shows signs of loosing weight but has an appetite bigger than the others and has hair loss on her belly but no chafing. Few days earlier we applied flee med on all three, HARTZ the type you put on the back of the neck and a brand we normally do not use but find we do not have to use this measure very often. Cannot believe we cannot see any evidence of bleeding on the cats themselves. Dime size droplets bother me!!! Anything info on what may cause unseen bleeding would be helpful, Thank You


It is possible that the cat(s) are bleeding from the bladder or bowel, you need to take all the cats in to be assessed by a vet to find out who is bleeding and see if it can be treated. It could even be a severe bladder infection that is causing the bleeding without any outward wounds. Things that can cause bleeding from the bladder or bowels tend to be quite painful so please for the sake of your cat's comfort don't drag your feet. Let me know what happens in this case. If you have any further questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me again.