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flea treatments


I got an 8 week old kitten yesterday. As I looked at him closer I noticed that he was infested with fleas. I used a product similar to front line on him and at about 6:00 yesterday evening.  I saw that it was working but this morning I still saw several fleas on him. If he still seems to be infested this evening would it be safe to use a flea shampoo on him? If not what do you suggest I do?  

Hi Erin,
It would be fine to bathe him, but do not use a flea shampoo.  You can use a simple baby shampoo for people and just let him sit in the suds for a few minutes.  That will be sufficient enough to kill the fleas still on him.  If you used Frontline or Frontline Plus, it will still be effective through the shampooing.  If you used Advantage, it will wash off with the bath.  Check the label of whatever product you used to be sure it is safe to reapply if needed.  Too much toxicity can be fatal to a young kitten.  Also be sure and treat any areas he may have come into contact with, as fleas will spend only 10% of their time on the host, and the rest of the time EVERYWHERE else.  Also, with fleas usually come tapeworms.  Check his stool and around his anal area for little white specks, kinda like rice.  This would be the segments of tapeworm.  They are very common and easily treated with over the counter rememdies found at your local pet shop.  Check his gums as well, to be sure they are a healthy pink.  White gums will indicate anemia, and will require immmediate vet intervention.  Multitudes of fleas can actually prove fatal to young animals and those very old or sick.  
Good luck with this new little guy, and thank you for your inquiry and your intrest in this site.  Hope this has been helpful to you..