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My Queen had her babies taken away


My cat had her 6 kittens taken from her abruptly after 7 weeks of being born. She cries all the time for them and her teats are rock hard. Its like a rock wall and im not sure what to do. Can you offer any advise? I have scheduled her spay operation in 2 weeks will she make it?
shes not her usual self.
thank you!


She will be fine.  Kittens should be weaned by 5-6 weeks.  She will look for the kittens for a week or two and then be done with it.  The drying up of milk is taking a normal path.  The milk "packs up" and the teats become hard.  Usually within two weeks the milk will have dissipated.

Personally, I feel the mamas are crying more due to the pressure of the unconsumed milk rather than the loss of the kittens after the kittens are gone about a week.

It sounds as if everything is OK and proceeding normally.

Best regards... Norm.