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Kitten tips


QUESTION: Hello Teresa,
I just want to find out when can we start clipping our kittens nails or how often as we are getting him this weekend. We have a 21 month old daughter and we dont want the kitten to scratch her badly. What tips could you gives us for a first time kitten owner? Help us out so we can give the best to our little kitten Ginger.

ANSWER: Hi Hannes, You should start clipping your kitten's nails right away and often. It is possible that she has never had them clipped before and may put up quite a fuss the first couple of time but persevere. It is not just because you don't want them scratching.. being able to clip your cats nails is just part of being a well mannered cat.. just like we would expect a dog to sit ! Start right away when Ginger is you and you should be able to brush your cat, clip her nails and clean out her ears.. anytime you want to ! This makes for a cat that is easy to handle around the house and easy to handle at the vet office or boarding kennel or ?? It also makes you aware at an early stage if there is anything wrong with her.. such as a tumor growing. When clipping nails just take the tips of the nails off and focus primarily on the front nails at first. Then next week try for the back nails. A kitten should NOT be scratching your daughter!EVER!!  There is just no reason for that, but I do find that they like to "make bread" and that can really hurt on bare skin if the nails are long ! they can also accidentally scratch when running across fat little legs when chasing a toy. So, these are accidental injuries but if a cat is scratching your daughter or anyone then something is wrong!!  If you monitor your little girl around the kitten and teach her to be gentle and pat from "front to back"  they should become the best of friends ! I find that the fishing rod type toys are easy to handle for a toddler and then the kitten can play without having to actually closely interact with a clumsy 21 month old. AND the children love it !! She will be giggling away watching the kitten go after her "bait". It is a great toy and something that is easy for her to use ! I would not have the kitten sleep with her as you may find the kitten wakes her a lot in the night. By accident usually, but it will disrupt your sleep and you are not able to monitor their interactions. Little toddlers can really scare a kitten by getting a handful of fur and not letting go. So, get the kitten a nice quiet place of its own to sleep. They love the warmest softest spot in the house.. so wherever that is.. Is where the kitten will crash.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello Teresa,
Thanks for you very quick respone. How often must his nails be clipped once a month or what? Thanks for all the tips we are defenitly going to get one of those fishing rod toys for him so that our little one can play with him. He is going to sleep in our little one's play room where he will be able to sleep in his cat snoozer bed and he will have his own toys which he will be able to play with. Is it fine that we close the rooms door during the night when we sleep?

Once again thanks for you quick respone.
Hannes Viviers

Hi Hannes, When they are kittens their claws are like little needles so you would want to clip them every week and just a little bit off. What I do is keep clippers handy near the computer or the reading chair.. anywhere that I know my cats are going to want to sit with me. As soon as they sit down I either handle their paws so that they remain used to the feeling of having their feet handled.. or I clip their claws. I really think it is important to have your nail clippers handy at all times.. put it this way.. you can never clip them TOO OFTEN !! As the kitten gets older the claws get wider and less irritating. As an adult you will probably do a total claw clipping once a month.. but once again that is not to say that you cannot do one foot a week :)
Also it is fine for your kitten to stay in a room with the door closed at night. Closed doors in a home are always safer in the unlikely event of a fire anyways !! As long as he has access to a litter box and fresh water.. he will be fine! Enjoy him !