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birth cotrol pill for cats


many years ago you wrote that there is birth control pill for cats,I have many homeless cats around my house, please tell me where can I get it, i asked my Vet but they will not write priscription for it,I'm desparate please.


This question was originally answered on January 18, 2010,  Here is my answer:

"However, these are hormone therapies and should always be used in conjunction with a vet. A better approach is to join a group, like the Alley Cat Allies and have these cats trapped, tested, neuters/spayed, vaccinated and released. Spaying and neutering is the only sure fire birth control method. Also, cats that are spayed and neutered will keep whole cats out of their colony!!!!! The problem with feeding a colony of cats is how would you determine they were getting the right dosage of anything you were going to try to give them.

"Check out: "

Best regards... Norm.