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Cat`s being in heat


I have a kitten she is almost 6 months.  My questions is are cats in pain when they are in heat?  Do they experience the same pain women go through sometimes?  and can I give my cat anything to help her if she is in pain?  She is acting odd and more affectionate which is understandable, but I just never had a kitten before so I dont know I just need so help.  Hope to hear something soon.  Thanks for your time and answers.


We have no idea what cats experience when they are in season.  However, the best way to help your kitten is to have her spayed!!!!!  In truth, there is no other remedy for the situation and no safe medication.  She will be much happier and make a much better pet for you, id she is spayed.

Research has shown that kittens can be spayed as young as 12 weeks with no shot or long term side effects.  So, at 6 months, spaying is very, very reasonable.  Furthermore, spayed female cats tend to live longer than whole female cats.

I hope this helps.

Best regards... Norm.