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Lethargic Cat After Surgery


Hi, my cat also is experiencing lethargy after surgery. She had dental surgery 12 days ago. She was in rough shape the first day but then seemed back to normal until 6 days ago when she started vomiting after eating, she became lethargic and has not interacted with us like she used to.  

She is 12 years old and has been in great health her whole life until she needed her tooth pulled.   

I brought her to the vet three times in the last three days and they thought that the antibiotic she was on for 10 days might be upsetting her stomach. They tested her blood, which came back fine. They gave her fluids, an anti-nausea shot and an antibiotic shot. She has not thrown up in almost 48 hours and has been eating small amounts of food however she still is not herself and seems like she does not feel good.

I don't know what to do....


Sometimes surgery can knock some cats out for quite a while. the anaesthetic can stay in the system for quite some time. She may also have an infection which is causing her to feel rough and this too can take some time to cure, often antibiotics need several weeks to work.

If i were you i would keep an eye on her for the next couple of days, give her lots of quiet time to sleep and try to make sure that she drinks plenty of fresh water. If she has not picked up or gets worse in any way then your only option is to go back to the vets.

hopefully it just needs some time before your cat is back to old self. I know it can be very worrying but you are doing everything you can for her.

best wishes Kate