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Cat with a bad attitude


I have a 4 month old kitty who seems to hate me.  Sometimes he runs at me aggressively and jumps in my face when I'm laying down.  And recently I went out of town for a day and left him alone for a night.  When I got back I took off my shoes and left the room.  When I came back in I noticed he had peed on my shoe.  He has never not used the litter box so I'm thinking he did this on purpose. He doesn't like to cuddle or even sit by me so I don't know why he would care that much that I left him alone. I also have another cat the same age so its not like he was completely alone.  Why does he act out like this?

kittens learn socializing skills from their mother and siblings during the first 6 months of their life. She teaches them about cleanliness ie how and where to go to the toilet, how to play nice ie she will tell off any over boisterous behavior and she will pass on her trust in humans. It does rather sound like this particular kitten has maybe missed out on some of this or was a slow learner. So I'm afraid it is up to you to be mother and this will take patience and time.
I have included links at the bottom here to my pages about toilet training, aggression towards people, and bonding with your cat.
Don;t worry your kitten does not hate you, he just hasn't learnt the right way to behave yet and may need his self confidence building. Good Luck
