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Mom wont use bathroom


I was given a mom cat and her two babies on friday (its now monday) and i just found out that she hasnt used the bathroom since she gave birth. she has been moved around 3-4 times already in the past two weeks. (the kittens are 2 weeks) she was in very stressful conditions and we kinda rescued them. she hasnt used the bathroom since giving birth. is there anything we can do at home for her? even if it were to give her diarehha that would be something. shes eating and drinking. doesnt show any sign of being in distress

Hi Virginia,

If you are sure that she is not moving her stool at all you can try giving her mineral oil. Or go to the pet store and they have kitty laxatives there. This should help. Make sure she is getting canned food. Also she needs lots of water. If she hasn't gone within the next day or two you are going to have to get her to a vet. She will need an enema. And giving this to a cat is something I wouldn't recommend doing yourself. Good luck and let me know what happens.

Ciao, Karen