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What happens when my cat dies?

20 16:44:15

Hi Barb,

My cat is 22, and while she's still in decent health (and sees the vet regularly), I know she probably doesn't have much time left.

I'm convinced she's going to pass in her sleep. But the thing is, I don't know what to expect if that happens. I've only experienced a pet's death once, with my family's old tabby who we had put to sleep. In that case, the vet took care of everything.

So I'm curious about to expect when the time comes for my 22 year-old. Will she try to find a quiet place to die? Will she 'know', and try to say goodbye to our family?

What puzzles me the most, and I apologize for the bluntness of the question: what do I do with her body? We live in the city, so a funeral on the back-40 isn't really an option. If I want to have her cremated, do I just .. uh .. keep her in the freezer until the vet's office opens?

Thanks Barb.

I thought I had answered your question, but I cannot find it in my answers group.

I hope your cat is an indoor kitty because they tend to want to crawl away and die by themselves, which always breaks my heart.  Cats are all different though.  You might pick up on the signals though.  One thing you CAN do for your cat right now to make her more comfortable in her old age is, make her a bed, and put a heating pad in it set on LOW ONLY, put one layer of towel over it, and she will love you for it.  They need the underneath heat, especally the older cats.  She might just choose to pass away there.  When she does go, just double bag her in plastic, seal it up with tape and place her in the freezer until you can get her to the veterinarian's office.  That is perfectly acceptable.  My vet taught me that.  

I know this is hard, and what a credit to your love and care of her for her to live for 22 years.  Good luck and God bless.  
