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Maybe a sick cat?



Lily Mae
Hi..I've had my cat Lily going on a year now, and I got her from this place called "Trade Days" which is pretty much a big outside flea market, so I basically saved her. Well ever since I got her she seems to eating good, but she won't gain hardly any weight - I think of right now she weighs maybe 7lbs if that, she eats constantly but she just worries me because she looks so sickly..but she plays way more than the other cat I have.

I was just wondering is there a way I could make her gain atleast enough weight where she didn't look so sickly, or is there something that is making her this way? - The other night she was eating, and out of no where she puked up pretty much all her food..I thought ok maybe she just had over eatin, or got to hot since she was running around and playing befor that, plus I had my heater on, but she was fine after she did that..went right back to playing. I don't know im just worried about everything..ecspecially if it has to do with my Cats. Thanks.


Lily Mae is beautiful! What a pretty girl! Don't worry too much yet. It sounds like she has worms. Don't buy over the counter wormer though, the worms are becoming immune to the current medicines. Get some from a vet. They have the lastest products plus there are many different types of worms and you need the correct medicine.

Cats eat alot but don't gain weight, or they lose weight, because the worms eat what the cat eats and the cat is basically starving. Vomiting is also a symptom. So are little white rice-like particles around the rear end/butt.

She may have an inherited or contracted feline disease...but that is 'worst case scenario'. See a vet for a thorough exam and bring a stool sample.

Keep me posted.
