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Senior Siamese

20 16:41:50

My siamese is soon turning 20 years old. Is this age
unusual for siameses? She seems to be in good health -
how much longer may she live?

Another thing: she used to enjoy sleeping on couches and
chairs. Now she prefers to be on my lap and as soon as I
stand up she gets back to the floor, like - somewhat - that
she'd be afraid of heights. Is this so?

Thank you for your help.


Well, 20 years old for a cat is quite an accomplishment!  But Siamese are the breed that tends to live longest, and 20 years can be considered normal for them.  Their expected lifespan is 15-20 years.

If I recall correctly, the oldest Siamese on record lived to be 29 years old.  So you may have several years, yet!

Perhaps at 20 years old, the reason that your kitty no longer likes to sleep on the couch is because she is not as strong or agile as she once was, and maybe even has some arthritis.  It might be getting difficult for her to get onto and off of couches and chairs.  Many people build or buy ramps or stairs leading up to furniture and windows when their cats begin to age.  For an example, see

I do recommend you get her to the vet at some point.  Cats as old as her should be seen at least twice a year, sick or not.  And you can ask if the vet sees any signs of arthritis, which is manageable with supplements to prevent progression, or even reverse it, and medications for pain.