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kittens swollen yellow goopy eye


Hi. I found this adorable kitten to adopt. When i pick him up last night, he was a boy(they said it was a girl). They said he was 6 weeks (he's got to be barely 4-5 weeks). They said he was potty trained (there's no sign of that either). They said "she" eats hard food and drinks water from the bowls they keep out for him (i put the bowls out... and it was as if he didn't know what to do). And i noticed a gooey eye. I wasn't about to pass up the kitty... it wasn't a good environment.
so, here's the deal, he has a very pink eye that is swollen and has yellowish discharge. I'm unable to take him to the vet right now. Is there any home remedy?... or some other medicine at a drug store i could get to help his eye?
also I've had him for 8-9 hrs. now and he hasn't eaten or drank a thing. nor has he gone to the bathroom at all. He's not really skinny so he's got to be putting something away right?...
He only meowed for about 10 min. at first, but now he just stays in my lap and doesn't make a sound.
Also, i think he still needs a bottle of formula or something. For all i know he never got milk. He's still very young.
and to top it off. I have a 9-11 week old male kitten  "Monkey" (that's his name). I thought for sure he would love a friend. I've never seen him be mean or anything. He's not taking kindly to the little one. Monkey is growling and hissing at him... What can i do? Is there some sort of discipline for him when he acts out of line like that so he can learn to like/accept kitty or just be nice?

Thanx so much for your time and helping and being my shrink. lol  

Your new kitten needs an antibiotic right away.

Unfortunately, you cannot get that over the counter. He needs amoxicillin to fight off the infection in his eye. If you know anyone that has any of this, you may give him some of the human form of the drug. It must be the children's liquid, you will need to put four drops of the medicine in with half an ounce of Kitten Milk Replacement formula and bottle feed him with a kitten bottle or an eye dropper. Do this twice a day with the medicine.

If he will not eat hard food, you need to give him one and a half ounces of KMR by bottle or dropper four times a day in addition to what you will give him with the medicine.

Something like this:

9:00 - 1/2 ounce with medicine
12:00 1.5 ounces, no medicine
3:00 1.5 ounces, no medicine
7:00 1.5 ounces, no medicine
11:00 2 ounces, with 4 drops of medicine.

Make sure there is always hard food available for him to try, and you should only have to do that for about a week.

Make him his own litter box inside a very low shoebox or a cardboard box of some kind. Make sure he does not have to climb to get in, he should be able to simply step into it. He can use the regular litter box when he is bigger.

After you feed him the first time, if he has not gone to the bathroom within 20 minutes, you need to rub his belly with a warm, moist cotton ball to help him go. He will probably go right then and there, so make sure you have his bottom in a towel!

Monkey just doesn't appreciate being invaded. He'll get used to him, but he might take a while. They may even fight from time to time, especially since they are both male. Get them neutered as soon as you can to avoid serious fights and scent marking wars. Don't discipline Monkey, but always make sure that he doesn't hurt the new baby.

Good luck!